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Imagine if children had a fun, exciting, step-by-step process to follow during the day to organise and process their thoughts, identify their feelings, make action plans, problem-solve, and reflect on outcomes?


Hi, I'm Angela!

My Goal is to get Braidy® in the hands of every child in New Zealand and Australia so they can organise their thinking, communicate, comprehend and write better!

How did I discover Braidy®?

I’m incredibly passionate about my three children, their education, and my home country of New Zealand.

When my daughter (who is now a teenager) was born, I realised the biggest gift I could give her was a sense of

well-being, and the ability to communicate well under pressure or in conflict.


Having been a travel agent for 20+ years, I was pretty purposeful in my search for helpful tools and resources. 


I spent many years researching education/parenting/ and social skills programmes as well as child psychology/education/business (phew!).


You name it, I found it. But nothing ticked all the social-emotional boxes, and nothing looked fun enough for kids to want to engage in.


Then in 2014, I stumbled across Braidy®.
And never looked back.

Braidy® brings the sparkle back into children’s (and adults') eyes. 


By holding the Braidy® and using the resources, they tell their stories, process feelings, scaffold difficult conversations, learn, problem-solve, write and gain a sense of calm and collaboration. 


It’s been transformative for my family and many children around the world. Now it’s time to get Braidy® into the hands of every child in Australasia and turn our mental health statistics on their head.

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Braidy helps you to understand your past, believe in your future
and accepts you for today the way you are.


Who created Braidy®?

Braidy® was developed and patented in 1991 by speech language pathologist Maryellen Rooney Moreau, to improve literacy skills of oral language, writing and comprehension in children with Dyslexia, ADHD, Anxiety and ASD, and is now being used in 26 countries around the world. 


She has since received a "Lifetime Achievement Award" from the International Dyslexia Association and is invited to provide professional development and speak around the world.


Her company Mindwing Concepts goal is to provide educators (and parents!) with tools to help children become literate, confident, independent, empathetic, happy people in their homes, schools, their communities and workplaces, and in interpersonal relationships. 

Her goal is to give every child - regardless of age, ability, or culture - the skills to think, communicate, and learn effectively in order to achieve academic and social success.

Mindwing Concepts provides professional development training and coaching for educators of students from early years through high school. The organisations 17 publications and 70+ multi-sensory sets of materials are used in all 50 US states, every province in Canada, and in 24 other countries.

Now it is available in New Zealand!



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